Making a fresh start


If we’ve not met before, allow me to share a bit of information that those in the loop have known for a long time: I’m a writer. Words float in my head, animate my dreams, and populate my spaces. I collect words, fine-tune words, allow words to flow out of me whenever I have an excuse to jot off an email or commit the fleeting ideas to something more permanent.

I haven’t always had a clear place to store those words, but this space is meant to be a safe one — a container into which I can let flow the thoughts I have on all sorts of things. Of late, those things are clustered around yoga, body image, finding your passion, teaching, and living a full and rewarding life. That’s where I’m going to begin. I’ll let the waves of life take me where they will.

Thank you for joining me. I hope we’ll meet again soon, virtually or otherwise.


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