a swirl of boxes, dust, and cables.

If you haven’t had the undeniable pleasure of Daniel’s company recently, you have really been missing out. I say this in the most loving and supportive manner possible, at least, as loving and supportive as I can muster after enduring — no, that’s not the right word — *ENJOYING* his ongoing brainstorms related to the wiring of the new house. As moving day is now only 13 short days away, the preparations and planning for the wiring of the house is reaching its peak. To this end, there is currently 4000 feet of cable (2000 of coax and 2000 of cat 5) in boxes in the garage. A couple (??) of “tools” have been purchased that are somehow related to the wiring project. There’s a big box in the living room that (I’m told) contains some sort of cabinet for the wiring. We still have to buy the jacks, plates, etc., to put in the walls.

As I type this, Daniel is sitting in the middle of our living room, listening to his entire collection of Green Day music collapsed onto a single MP3 cd, sorting through an absolutely ginormous pile of cables to determine what we should keep and what (I hope, the bulk falls into this category) we should sell next week at the yard sale.

But that’s just really one aspect of the ongoing saga of moving to the new house. We’re doing what I would term our first MAJOR — and I do mean *major* — vetting of combined stuff. When we moved in together a year ago, we just hastily threw everything together. The only major things I sold were my guest bed and a washer/dryer mismatched set (and that went to Paul, Daniel’s former roommate). Pretty much everything else stayed. We even kept duplicate DVDs, if that tells you anything.

Things are much different now. A year after moving in together, our relationship feels much different, and the disposal of redundant stuff is pretty much a given.

So this weekend, in advance of next weekend’s yard sale, is an absolute swirl of packing, sorting, cleaning, testing, and (of course) coughing from all the dust that inevitably accumulates on stuff. I had hoped we’d be able to accomplish the packing part without having to get more boxes, but I can already tell (after packing basically our DVDs, books, pictures/frames/albums and a few knick-knacks) that we’re going to need some serious box reinforcement. Even with all the vetting and sorting, there’s just too much stuff.

But I’m SO EXCITED! We’ll be in the new house in two weeks, and be able to set stuff up the way we want, be able to have all the animals we want without a pet deposit, and be able to nail things into the wall without thinking, “Damn, we’re gonna have to patch that later.”



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