Episode 25 (August 12, 2019): Getting honest about money. Eeps!

Episode 24 (July 29, 2019): I’m going on a week-long writing retreat. AHHHH!!!!

Episode 23 (July 14, 2019): Walking away from yoga teaching. For now.

Episode 22 (May 15, 2019): Matt Tells his leukemia story (see episode extras here: Episode 22: Matt Lueck bonuses)

Episode 21 (May 11, 2019): Fears about our children’s health, with Heather Staples, a pediatrician

Episode 20 (April 16, 2019): Liz talks health fears with Karen, a hospice nuruse

Episode 19 (April 9, 2019): Jen G. talks to Liz about health fears

Episode 18 (April 2, 2019): Scott Foster gets a new heart … and a new outlook on life

Episode 17 (March 26, 2019): We were on a break (…but an unplanned one)

Episode 16 (February 26, 2019): Amanda Lipnack goes to Paris … alone! And loves it!

Episode 15 (February 12, 2019): Saying ‘no’ goes against every impulse of an Enneagram 2

Episode 14 (February 5, 2019): Elayne Crain moves to Australia … and figures it out when she gets there

Episode 13 (January 29, 2019): Anna Guest-Jelley believes in equal parts planning & small experiments

Episode 12 (January 22, 2019): Rachelle Gendron travels internationally, despite her fear

Episode 11 (January 15, 2019): Amanda Lipnack doesn’t like instability … so she quit her job and sold tickets at Sundance for a month

Episode 10 (January 8, 2019): Beth Moore opts for less doing, more being on her faith journey

Episode 9 (January 1, 2019): Learning how NOT to hate your body with Amanda Lipnack & Skye Mercer

Episode 8 (December 27, 2018): Laura Russell learns that dreaming is a form of planning (thanks, Gloria Steinem!)

Episode 7 (December 20, 2018): My ongoing struggle with FOMO

Episode 6 (December 13, 2018): Kristin Kallio’s fear is her sidekick … but she’s decided to find its purpose

Episode 5 (December 6, 2018): Kim Kimball learns that, in marriage, more vulnerability brings more love

Episode 4 (November 29, 2018): That time when I was afraid of my husband … and how I handled it

Episode 3 (November 15, 2018): What happens when you let yourself be seen in a relationship?

Episode 2 (November 8, 2018): Fear of failure led Iris Cullinan to a winding road in Nepal

Episode 1 (October 28, 2018): The first time I faced a really big fear … and what I realized