My teaching is perhaps (probably) the most important part of my life and my identity. Working with students and honing my craft occupies a large part of my time, my thinking, and my energy. And in case this wasn’t clear, I *LOVE* my work.

Looking for something I’ve mentioned at a workshop or conference?

I’m awaiting the publication of my book, The Present Professor, which will be published by the University of Oklahoma Press in November 2024. The goal of the book to equip student-centered educators with the tools to cultivate greater self-knowledge and bring that into the classroom. Why? As Parker Palmer said in a recent conversation with Dr. Laura Rendón, “Education can never be whole if educators are not whole.” When we cannot bring our entire selves to our work, we become diseased … mentally, emotionally, and oftentimes physically.

Meanwhile, I’m always eager to talk about teaching with others interested in honing their craft. If you’re looking for a speaker or workshop facilitator, I’d love to chat! I’ve recently facilitated teaching workshops or given talks on these topics:

  • Heart-centered leadership
  • Teaching students, not content (“Stop blaming students!”)
  • Creating a faculty peer-mentoring program for online teaching
  • How to boost student learning and motivation with ungrading
  • Improving civic engagement with Wikipedia (service-learning in teaching)
  • TILT yo’self (TILT = transparency in learning & teaching)
  • Listener training for ‘sidewalk chats’ (spontaneous conversations with students)
  • 10 tips for student success (given before start of fall semester to new college students)
  • “I’m terrible at online classes!” Understanding your students’ fears
  • Student-centered syllabus design

Other talks I’ve given related to my disciplinary training in political science and political psychology include:

  • How to keep your sanity during …. interesting political times
  • Seven reasons our politics seem so polarized
  • Understanding whiteness
  • Iran, explained
  • North Korea, explained
  • Syria, explained
  • The Kurdish people
  • Civics 101 (each about 45-60 minutes):
    • Federal government
    • State government
    • Local government
    • Elections basics
    • Gerrymandering

NOTE: I’m expanding this section of my web site to include some of my favorite resources — both related to the content I teach and to the craft of teaching itself. Look for that … soon.