devil’s in the details …

Not to put Julie on the spot, but something she wrote yesterday in a comment has really made me think today —

On the topic of law school vs. a poli sci ph.d., Julie comes wholly down on the side of the ph.d., suggesting I wouldn’t do well in law school because I’m not analytical enough when it comes to detailed things.

My perception of myself has always been that I’m a pretty detailed person — and, for that matter, obsessively analytical about almost everything in my life, not just the interpersonal relationship matters. But, one’s perception of oneself is always different from the perspective held by others.

I’m curious (in a very selfish, self-interested way) to know what y’all think — those who know me, do you think I’m a detail-oriented person? Analytical?

(BTW: The fact that I’m even asking these questions makes me giggle uncontrollably.)

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