egads. babies.

Last night, I had a dream that I had a dream that I had a baby. And in my dream-within-a-dream, I was happy beyond words. Until I found out that, while I was conked out from the c-section drugs, Daniel had named the baby “Michael David.” And I nearly clobbered him.

Then I woke up from the inner dream and, in the outer dream (set in Hawaii — not bad, eh? haha), tried to tell Daniel about the dream, except a series of interruptions prevented me from doing so.

Then I woke up from the outer dream and told him about the whole thing. And giggled a bit. Because really, the whole night of dreams was, to me, both cute and ridiculous.

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1 Comment

  1. But you know I like the name Michael it has been one on my list for a long time; and David is not bad either but not both.

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