From the damned hippo to the amazing SEALs

Yesterday, after my time in downtown DC playing the part of unwilling tourist, I found a seat at the center of the Mazza Gallerie with a little low-lactose, sugar-free frozen concoction and a Diet Pepsi to finish up “The Warrior Elite,” the book John sent me.

From start to finish, this book totally captivated my attention. I find it very hard to put into words what I’m feeling in the wake of having read the book. However, I can say that the respect I have for those who endure the BUD/S training is incalculable.

As for the guy who sent the book, John — I know nobody reading this blog has ever met him, but I hope you’ll get the chance to someday. He shared this book with me to help me understand better some of the experiences he’s had in his life. I’m so grateful he did — I feel blessed to have been given a chance to get to know him these last several months.

Ok, ok, I know this is sappy, but when you experience something as overwhelming as I have the last week, the thoughts hafta go somewhere. 🙂

In short, I would *highly* recommend you pick up the book post haste and give ‘er a good reading. I made the book stretch out over a week and spent my non-reading time anxiously awaiting the moment when I could again open the cover. You will be moved. Trust me.

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