from the oven to the freezer

Those who’ve been around long enough to remember my last office job may recall the temper tantrums I threw vis-a-vis my overheated office at TWU. It was miserable. Now, much to my (shivering) delight, I’m happy to report that my newest part-time job — which is a cushy office job with exceedingly flexible hours and hands-off bosses, wheee! — is an absolute meat locker. Not only that, but my 10th floor office (yes, I said *office*) overlooks Belt Line Road and the Tollway, a fantastic view indeed.

In other news, I met my “little” brother’s girlfriend this weekend and was charmed. She’s wonderful, and is (perhaps more importantly) wonderful *FOR HIM*.

It was nice to see my parents this weekend, and in general get away from the Metroplex for a couple of days and actually {gasp} spend time with my husband and dog. Still, spending 14-16 hours in the car only means I’m back to life today feeling horribly behind and completely overwhelmed. I’m not sad we went to Arkansas, but I’m facing down another long, hard slog of a week.

Suffice it to say, I cannot WAIT for July!

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