item #3: no vacation in Hawaii this spring

Continuing in our “let’s catch up on life” blog entries, news bit numero tres is the cancellation of any sort of notion I had of going to Hawaii for a week in May for vacation. That’s because Daniel and I spent a squidge under $2k for two new couches at Ashley Furniture Friday evening. We got a good deal — really, we did (we shopped around a bit before making the purchase) — and our new couches will be in DFW from the Ashley warehouse on or around March 28. Plenty of time to get rid of the old ones, which we’ll (hopefully!) do at our next yard sale scheduled for the second weekend of Spring Break, on or around March 17ish.

Anyway, here’s a link to the couches we bought. We got two of the normal sofas, each with two recliners. So we’ll have seating for six and recliners for four. They’re goiing to look awesome in our living room, and offer more flexibility than a sectional would have.

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