say the “s” word, and all hell breaks lose

It was palatable. You could taste the fear and/or excitement in the air today everywhere I went. While doing my regular Monday “practicum Liz” shift at the library today, I didn’t even have to hear the word “snow” to know that something was afoot. And indeed, my most recent check of the error-prone forecast for Plano says we may get as much as one inch — ONE INCH, PEOPLE!!! — of snow tomorrow night. At this point, we might as well write off the last half of the week.

One of the comedians at Saturday night’s Late Show Comedy Showcase made the excellent point (as a native Minnesotan himself) that in Texas, all you need on Friday is a three percent chance of snow on Monday to bag a three-day weekend.

But an eighty percent chance of snow that could accumulate an inch tomorrow night? Holy hell, I just thank God I’m well stocked on bread & milk, or I’d be doomed for sure.

PS (9:15 p.m.): This reminds me. Must. Keep. Simon. Indoors. We don’t need the damned cat escaping for another ten-day soujourn in the snow.

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