une touche de nafnaf

I’ve blogged about my absolutely favorite perfume (une touche de nafnaf) before, but what I failed to mention is that I’ve spent most of the last 12 or 14 years engaging in some really serious rationing of the lone bottle I’ve got. I love it so much, but it’s impossible to find anymore, having long since been discontinued.

Nowadays, I only break it out on special occasions. Given how strong my sense of smell is, and how strongly I associate smells with memories, it should come as no surprise that the accumulation of 10+ years of only wearing it on special occasions means that, when I put it on, the scent triggers a really powerful reaction. I immediately feel all of my senses sharpen; my imagination shifts into high gear and I feel almost as though I’m a flower blooming in the span of just a few minutes. This sounds horribly cheesy, but it’s a potent and visceral sensation that is immediate, overwhelming, and so completely amazing.

Last night was one of those special occasions worthy of une touche de nafnaf… after I sprayed some on and finished getting dressed, I felt more attractive and sexy than I’ve felt in quite some time. The evening was fully deserving, and as I sit here this morning still smelling the feint smell, it makes me remember and smile.

This time of year always makes me so happy anyway (spring is unquestionably my favorite season — new beginnings! promise! beauty!), and it’s such a wonderful thing to feel connected to the world again, after a difficult academic year and constantly feeling like I had no room to breathe, relax, and enjoy the world. I’m so happy. So happy.

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