while I’m at it…

It’s hardly a secret that, when it comes to President Bush, I come close to being an “ABB” person — that is, Anyone But Bush. I offer that as my initial disclaimer and to set the context for what I’m about to say.

Yesterday, I finally had a chance to watch last Thursday’s prime-time presidential news conference. And I have to say, it looked like Bush (given his track record of extemporaneous speaking) was having a relatively good night. He certainly knows how to charm the press, for whatever that’s worth. I had a few moments of my usual knee-jerk reaction of horror in listening to him, though, such as when he said (these quotes are taken verbatim from the transcript, BTW):

  • Well, John Bolton has been asked the questions about how he handles his business by members of the United States Senate. He’s been asked a lot of questions, and he’s given very good answers.
  • You know, I was amazed by the report the other day that there’s some $330 billion a year that goes unpaid by American taxpayers. It’s a phenomenal amount of money. To me, it screams for making the tax system easier to understand, more fair, so that we can _ and to make sure people pay their taxes. More fair means pay what you owe.
  • Listen, the whole theory behind No Child Left Behind is this: If we’re going to spend federal money, we expect the states to show us whether or not we’re achieving, you know, simply objectives, like literacy, literacy in math, the ability to read and write. … Look, I’m a former governor. I believe that the states ought to control their own destiny when it comes to schools. They’re by far the biggest funder of education. And it should remain that way.
  • But I’m an optimistic fellow, based not upon my own economic forecasts _ I’m not an economist _ but based upon the experts that I listen to. … [later] … I don’t know about the lawsuit. I’m not a lawyer. {Which makes me want to ask, “Well, what the hell ARE you, then?”}
  • Final question. Hutch? I don’t want cut into some of the TV shows that are getting ready to air … for the sake of the economy.
  • [About social security — reporter’s question] Today’s benefits probably won’t mean much somewhere down the road. And how far are you going to go with this means-based program? Are you talking about…a system where a rich person, say Dick Cheney, wouldn’t get much out of it? BUSH: Now wait a minute, don’t get personal here, that’s international TV. That’s a cheap shot.
  • Listen, thank you all for your interest. {What, the PRESIDENT now thanks the PRESS for being INTERESTED in his POLICY ideas when he calls a PRIME-TIME NEWS CONFERENCE? Wow. Does that mean nobody else he’s talking to is interested in what he’s saying?}

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