
I’m happy to report that I’m safely tucked away in one of Fred & Dalis’s guest bedrooms at their house on Oahu … finally. {yawn} The time difference is a real bitch. But, my body’s so screwed up from the sleep deprivation I’ve had for days that I’m hoping making the five hour change won’t take more than a day or so.

The flight was uneventful. And really, REALLY long. I’ve decided eight hours on a plane is much too long unless you’re traveling with someone you can snuggle up next to. For the record (because this was suggested), I’m *not* bringing anyone back to Texas with me next week. However, I am thinking future trips to Hawaii will necessitate company. 🙂

I haven’t taken a single picture all day, but Fred and Dalis have arranged a busy set of days ahead, so I’m confident I’ll begin snapping pictures for you all presently. I will say, though, that I was surprised by how narrow/shallow Pearl Harbor was from the plane. Fred says it’s only 40 feet deep. I guess I just always thought the boats floated deeper than that. {shrug} Guess that shows what I know, right?

Also, we had dinner at Bubba Gump’s (I had only one variety of shrimp — fried shrimp — but they serve an appropriate large variety of shrimp there), which is near downtown in the Waikiki area. I was also struck by the fact that the buildings are older and not as pristine/clean as I guess I’d always envisioned in my mind. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying they’re ugly or anything. Just not what I’d imagined.

I’m so glad to be here visiting with my parents and aunt & uncle. We’re planning to do a bit of shopping tomorrow and then we’re going to a luau tomorrow night — all of which should be terrific fun! — then on Friday, I finally get to see the stone necklace place on the North Shore that I’ve been hearing so much about. I have some ideas about what to buy there … hehehehe.

Know that I’m thinking of you all and looking forward to our first group trip out here! Tomorrow I get to see a model of Ma & Pa Norell’s new Hawaiian abode, so I’ll be sure to take pictures for you. 🙂

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