as an aside…

To the anonymous commenter who wondered aloud if I might be a little bit pregnant, the answer is a resounding “No!”

The comment came in response to this statement: “Meanwhile, for reasons it is unwise to divulge here, I’ve had to give up the summer internship with the feds.”

The circumstances that led to my giving up of the internship have far more to do with the “her” in the subject line of that earlier post and far less to do with anything, even tangentially, under my control.

To the best of my knowledge (which means, as gauged by the number of people who’ve admitted it to my face), nobody in my program knows about or regularly reads this blog. Still, it seems unwise to name names or be specific in my complaints about people who have caused me great pain or frustration, particularly since those same people may one day be on a committee voting to give me a job/promotion/tenure, etc. I’ve had one bad experience with my Internet words coming back to haunt me later, and I’m loathe to repeat it.

So, dear readers, I will not tell you why I gave up my summer job — at least, not here — but it has nothing to do with any buns in the oven. I promise. 🙂

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