when you don’t know who to talk to…

… why not blog?

Of course, there are tons of reasons not to blog, chief among them that you may not want the world to have access to your random thoughts. I know I don’t, generally.

And yet, I have this ball of energy that has been with me all day and needs to go somewhere. It exists somewhere between irritation, frustration, anger, and defeat. It sucks. Seriously, totally, unquestionably sucks.

I don’t know how to cope with these emotions. I’m a happy person, dammit! I smile constantly. I’m understanding, forgiving, and easygoing. I don’t get upset, really. Of course, nobody can manage to *never* get upset, but the last time I remember feeling this way was (I’m not joking) about 15 years ago. Good grief!

I’m not ready to talk about it, with anyone — and the little bitty rants and raves that have seeped out today despite my best efforts at self-control have, I’m sure, painted me in the least-attractive light possible. I’m trying to keep it together, and today has just been a day when I haven’t been able to. Sorry ’bout that.

Tomorrow will be better, and I’ll eventually navigate my way to a place where I can form the words that capture the essence of my irritation/frustration/anger/defeat.

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