and, I’m spent.

Until this morning, I had completely forgotten how it feels to work so hard at the gym I left crying.

Towards the end, my trainer, Chris, said, “Wow, I’ve never seen you this tired.” (“Never” being a relative term meaning not the last two times I worked out with him.)

I asked him how he knew I was tired: “You haven’t said more than one sentence at a time for the last 20 minutes.”

I had a good chuckle over that. The woman I trained with once before, Sarah, used to say the same thing: “Liz, talk to me. Say something!”

Chris asked if I felt like I was going to pass out. As I’ve never passed out before, it’s hard for me to answer that question accurately, although at the time he asked I was extremely light-headed, dizzy and every muscle in my body was shaking, it seemed.

Anyway, it was a solid workout this morning. Last Monday’s (first) workout was so traumatic that I couldn’t comfortably brush or wash my hair for the next three days. Today it wasn’t so much about taxing my muscles as it was about working really hard in a very focused way. When I regain consciousness later (hopefully, before class at 2:00), I am sure I will feel great. I hope so, anyway. 🙂

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