another yard sale, another late night.

I think it’s written in the heavens that, when you decide to have a yard/garage sale, you absolutely MUST spend the night before frantically preparing.

Thankfully, Daniel and I approached the garage tonight (after the Stars game, which I’ll blog about later) having already identified and, to a large extent, priced the items we wished to sell. Our task for the night was really quite simple: Organize and arrange the garage.

Easier said than done.

I swear, not one single item in the garage has gone untouched in the last 3 1/2 hours. We’ve moved it all at least once, sometimes more.

But, I think we’re nearing the end of our pre-garage-sale preparations, and I’m feeling the compulsive need to cough (thanks to the dust) and snore for a while.

Doors open at or around 6:30-7:00ish tomorrow, and my GREAT hope is that I can blog early afternoon tomorrow about the fact that we’ve run out of stuff to sell. That would be *FABULOUS*.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!!! 🙂

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  1. geez how many yard sales do you have a year? lol.. you must accumulate stuff quickly

  2. Nicole says:

    AAAHHHH the good ol' garage sale days. Do you remember helping me in our early teen days? Hope you make money for your new house!

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