finals! how’d that happen?!

I should be writing a final right now — it’s due soon, and I have a lot of writing in my immediate future. Thank goodness I think fast, am naturally good at organizing my thoughts on the fly, and write even faster. So, a blog! Why not?!

I am endlessly — ENDLESSLY — amused by the fact that I recently tried to recruit new harem members by writing, and I quote, “I abhor text message slang: 4 instead of for, etc. This is e-mail. Spell it out.” … and then got an e-mail in response that said, IN TOTAL, “How R u” {giggle}

That just HAD to be a joke, right? Right?!?!?!

I can’t make this shit up. I’m not that clever.

I still haven’t found sufficiently gainful summer employment, and I am 18 kinds of freaking out about that. I have a meeting with one of the local colleges next week to see about teaching a summer government course (woot!), so that’s a big thrill. But even if I get that adjunct gig, I’ll still need something else. Oof. I have never not had more work than I could handle, and I’m not dealing with this well. The current state of emergency will be elevated to crisis level within a week or two. EEPS!

Meantime, one of my SAT students told me today that I can take a lifeguard certification course at the Jewish Community Center. I love it! Unfortunately, the next class is at the end of May, which would preclude me from getting a summer-long job as a lifeguard, but if I can swing taking the class that week, I’m going to do it. I can totally see myself lifeguarding part-time year-round at the Vandy pool, which would force me to the pool on a regular basis and provide some extra cash flow (both good things). I know I don’t fit the profile of your typical lifeguard chick (God knows I’ll never be a Baywatch girl), but I think it’d be good for me. So. I’m going to give that a go (although, clearly, I’d much rather NOT be able to take the class right now because I have a full-time summer job. That’s the real goal!).

OK! Time to get back to my final. Brilliance, prepare to flow onto the screen! 😉

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