From gee dub!

I’m writing from the bookstore at my undergrad alma mater, GW, in downtown DC. The fact that they’ve set up public Internet access stations at the bookstore that don’t require any sort of “Yes, I belong to this institution somehow” validation or login almost makes me feel like those rip-off bookstore prices during my undergrad years went for something good. Well …. maybe that’s a stretch, but God knows I feel a little warmth of goodwill spreading through my heart for a place infrequently disposed to inspiring that kind of warmth.


It’s been a great day! NPR *ROCKS*!!! I had a blast there this morning. Today I’ve also been to the Old Post Office, the National Press Club building, the Holocaust Museum and now here to gee dub to replenish my GW paraphernalia supply. Next will (probably) be the National Gallery of Art, and once I’m done there, I think I’m going to be ready to go back to Friendship Heights to relax a bit before dinner tonight. What a great day! 🙂

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