have I mentioned lately that I love my job?

OH, happy day!

I have just now (literally) found out that I’m once again approved/OK to go to the annual Web Communications & Strategies Conference in Salisbury, Md., this July. I went last year (remember the Bay photos? my visit with AnnaLisa? or my posts from the conference site?) and had a blast. Plus, it was a great excuse to visit friends and spend a little time in DC again. Now I’ve got six months’ notice to plan the heck out of that trip!

In a twist, I’m going to submit at least one proposal for a session at the conference. I’d really like to be a presenter (talk about a great item for the good ol’ resume) and I think it would be fantastic exposure for the university. Plus, some of last year’s sessions really stunk. 😉 (Comparatively speaking, I mean.)

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