I must know myself. Really well.

Curtis’s blog referred me to another site that sent me to this groovy “Where should I live?” Web site. You fill out eight pages of questionnaire, and it gives you a list of the top 24 places you’d enjoy living. Here’s my list. What’s yours?

1. Knoxville, Tennessee (I interviewed for a job with HGTV.com there and LOVED the city!)

2. Norfolk, Virginia

3. Seattle, Washington (I damn near moved there five years ago!)

4. Carlisle, Pennsylvania

5. Chesapeake-Virginia Beach, Virginia

6. Charlotte, North Carolina

7. Nashville, Tennessee

8. Jacksonville, Florida

9. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

10. Richmond, Virginia

11. Charleston, South Carolina

12. Long Island, New York

13. Cincinnati, Ohio

14. Louisville, Kentucky

15. Memphis, Tennessee (NO WAY, JOSE!)

16. Orlando, Florida

17. Lexington, Kentucky (I have *ALWAYS* loved Lexington, and thought many times it would be an ideal place for me to live)

18. Fort Worth, Texas (Huh. Go figure.)

19. Salt Lake City, Utah (Eeks!)

20. Olympia, Washington (yes!)

21. Houston, Texas (Ick! The heat!)

22. Bellingham, Washington

23. Greenville, South Carolina

24. Hickory, North Carolina

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