I’m starting to crack…

{we interrupt this happy interlude for some work-related ranting}

What little respect I had left for the institution of higher learning that has kept me gainfully employed lo these last three years is flying out the window today.

I am so pissed off.

I have made it my policy to try my best to keep this blog relatively anonymous, in the sense that I have protected the accused / guilty by not naming them. I have done so largely because I haven’t wanted things I write here to turn in up in a Web search and subsequently be used against me in my daily work life. Good reasons, them all.

It bugs me that I can’t Google-spam the name of the man who has (today) fully destroyed my respect and faith that this institution does the right thing, at least most of the time.

It kills me that three people — three talented, professional women who daily rise above the call of duty for this institution — are being fired because of this asshole jerk bastard. Two single moms are about to be out of work, one of them with an adopted child who relies heavily upon — nay, NEEDS — the health insurance the state provides for him. His life has been difficult enough, and the mother who has put his needs above her own time and time again is about to lose her job. Because of an asshole jerk bastard who I am too selfishly afraid to name.

I am a happy person, dammit, but it is hard to keep up the smiley Liz when, indirectly, my life has set off a chain reaction of events that has led to three people losing their jobs. Particularly when those people are losing their jobs because an asshole jerk bastard can whine a little, grease the ignorant vice presidents with serpentile half-truths, and convince them he needs money for more employees in his bloated, wasteful department.

BAH! It’s times like these I *REALLY* wish I had a punching bag at home. I would tape up a picture of the asshole jerk bastard and ram it repeatedly with my foot.

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