La solitudine

A few days ago, on my way up the mountain en route to see The Math Professor, I queued up Laura Pausini’s huge 1990s hit, “La Solitudine,” on the good ol’ iPod. As is often the case when I listen to this song in the car, I was singing the words to this song aloud in a seriously aggressive way.

Although this song has always had pretty substantial meaning to me — given the time period in which I was first introduced to it — on Saturday afternoon, I realized that the song has come to have new meaning. I wouldn’t say that I can sympathize with all that Laura has to say here, but as I was listening to it again on my way home tonight, I just really felt the full force of “la solitudine.”

Anyway. I thought I’d share this totally cheesy mid-90s video with y’all. It makes me smile. (And also feel just a teensy bit melancholy, too.)

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