la vache qui rit

Yesterday was our semi-regular staff retreat at work. We don’t do team-building games or sit around the fire singing Kumbaya, but we do tend to get a lot of longer-term planning and projects discussed and started, and it’s always nice to get out of the office for a while and really focus on stuff without the interruption of phones or random people dropping by.

Our administrative person went all out on the food for yesterday’s event. In the past, we’ve had lunch brought in or catered, but this year we instead spent the money on snacks. A group favorite were these FABULOUS Hershey’s Nuggets made with “extra creamy” chocolate, toasted coconut and macademia nuts (YUM!).

The story here, though, is really my unexpected discovery of some cheese — yes, she who borders on lactose intolerance just said CHEESE — that we yesterday spread onto bagels. It was a brand of cheese I’m reasonably sure I had when in France 12 years ago (my God, has it really been that long ago?!?!), but I don’t (A) remember liking it this much, or (B) remember having this flavor.

It’s a French cheese called “la vache qui rit,” known more popularly in the US as “Laughing Cow.” The flavor in question was Light – French Onion. And ohymgoodness, it was fantastic. So much so, that I just had another wedge with a leftover bagel for breakfast! Yummmmmm.

But now, I’m going to see if I can find one of those nuggets…

I’ll worry about Weight Watchers later. 😉

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