(no surprises here) Mr. Nelson wins!

At the football game last Friday, Tracy, Herb and I spent a great deal of time talking about how things were back in the day when Mr. Nelson was band director — musing about how he would have done things were he still band director, reminiscing about his very particular way of doing things, and so forth. He was hard on us, but he earned each of our respect and admiration, and looking back we all have terrific fondness for the man.

He’s moved on, though, and as you might have read was running for school board in Mountain Home. Yesterday was election day, and with abymsal turnout (something like 950 voters out of thousands of registered voters), he won with roughly 75% of the vote.

This comes as no great surprise to me — Mr. Nelson was band director for decades, and many generations of MHHS alumni have similar appreciation for the man as my friends and I do. It’s just nice to see the community to which he gave so much is giving him the opportunity to keep on doing it. 🙂

Hooray for Mr. Nelson!

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