Rejoice in the wonders of Ruby Tuesday’s

I went to Ruby Tuesday’s tonight at the Salisbury mall — which was, in itself, a dangerous tactical error.

I would just like to point all of you who are interested in dining with knowledge to Ruby Tuesday’s (not that we’ve got a damned one in the greater Dallas area, GRR!) — their menu lists calorie, fat, carb and fiber counts for *all* items.

They have a low carb cheesecake that claims to have a single “net carb.” I would have tried it, except — even though I asked about it three times before I ordered my meal — my server never asked if I wanted dessert. I have a rule that if they don’t ask, I don’t order. So maybe I’ll try some before I head back to Texas. Come to think of it, I *do* need an excuse to go to Pentagon City (says Jen: “Pentagram!”).

The last time I was at Pentagon City (which is a shopping mall conveniently located on the Metro [subway] near the Pentagon, for those of you unfamiliar with DC) was the week of my college graduation, with my brother and once-favorite cousin Tresa; while at the mall, we watched “Shakespeare in Love” and Tresa laughed at me for crying. Ahhh, the memories!

Round two of Maryland postcards go out tomorrow!

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