the close of the semester

Unless I’ve missed something, the last of my assignments/final projects has been turned in for the semester and I’m now in a holding pattern to see how the grades all turn out.

I just found out that the last two assignments I completed — which, I should note, *combined* took me less total time than anything else I did all semester — for my library science classes garnered me my highest grades for the semester. On one that I completed after seeing “The Underpants” last Thursday night, I actually got a *perfect* score, which I’m not sure has ever happened in my library science program. {shrug} Clearly, for the first eleven weeks of the semester, I was just trying too hard. hehe

I have long espoused the fact that my grades in this program don’t ultimately matter, since this is an activity I took on for fun and for a challenge. Still, given my lifetime of compulsive academic perfectionism, I do *care* about my grades … unless, of course, they’re not good. 🙂

More relevant, though, is my presidency class. I just found out that my final paper, on controversial Supreme Court nominations, got a 94% (with a class average score of 89%). I’m quite happy with that.

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