Two-fifths moved?!

If you take an inventory of the living, breathing beings who are relocating to Nashville, we are 2/5ths there. Daniel and Penny, the more finnicky of the felines, arrived there last night and are currently adjusting to the (slightly) cooler climes of middle Tennessee.

Meanwhile, I am positively sweltering in Dallas. Those of you who are nearby (or who watch the news or talk to me regularly) know that we have had some REALLY unfortunate weather here the last few weeks, and it got absolutely unbearable today. In addition to record-breaking and unthinkable thermometer readings, I am staying with the in-laws, who for the last week have had a malfunctioning air conditioner. At about 8:45 tonight, the indoor temperature at their house had been stuck at 84 degrees for the better part of two hours, and I was feeling ill. So I escaped to, well, a cafe called “Escape” (ha!), where I’ve been sitting in air conditioned bliss with a completely yummy peach “slush” ever since. I had high hopes of getting some work done, but instead I’ve mostly been catching up on some necessary e-mail and other computer tasks. The AC man is coming out for the fourth time tomorrow, this time with replacement parts, and if the house isn’t properly frigid at this time tomorrow, I may be desperately seeking alternative lodging. I am reaching (or have reached, it’s fair to say) the breaking point.

Meanwhile, even though it is *warm* (to be sure) in Nashville, at 8;45, as I was driving to Escape in 98-degree outdoor temperatures, it was 81 degrees at our new house. {sigh} Next week just cannot get here soon enough!

I know, I know. It’s so terribly insipid to go on so long about the damned weather. Forgive me my banality. It’s just all I can really think of right now. 🙂

So… the last few days in Dallas are going to FLY by, I’m sure. I am hoping to squeeze in some quality time with some of my professor buddies at UTD, see a good friend whose schedule has been difficult to work around, and in general soak up the last of Texas goodness for a while. We’ll be back, of course; my sister-in-law gives birth sometime in the next 10 weeks (ish) and so we’ll be back this fall to see the baby and all.

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