Tying the knot

Tying the Knot is a documentary film that takes a critical look at the debate over gay marriage in America. It’s both provocative and moving, and something I’m considering showing to my students — writing students and otherwise. I just finished watching it — minutes ago, really — and can heartily recommend it. Bravo.

I respect the fact that many people in this country believe (for religious or other reasons) that gay marriage is wrong … but seriously, folks. The best sequence in this film shows how the people railing against interracial marriage decades ago were using precisely the same arguments the gay marriage opponents try to feed the masses today. (Check out the movie “Mr. & Mrs. Loving” for a heartbreaking look at the fight to legalize interracial marriage.)

My heart aches for the people who have been discrimated against because, for example, Virginia has ruled to nullify private contracts made between same-sex couples. I genuinely believe in 25 or 50 years we’ll look back on the rhetoric against gay marriage espoused by the people running our government today with embarassment. I know I’m ashamed.

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