
I get a lot more traffic on my blog these days, heaven knows why, so I’m hoping to spark a good discussion here… something we haven’t had in a while.

Two people are in a relationship. Like many others, the guy spends a portion of his time alone looking at online porn. It’s never a group activity — he’s always alone, never shares/discusses this willingly, and gets defensive when it’s brought up. The girl feels uncomfortable with it and asks him not to.

He says it’s an unreasonable request; she says he should respect her feelings.


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  1. Anonymous says:

    I think my comments apply for any committed relationship, marriage certificate or not.

  2. Careful on the assumptions, everyone — I was careful not to construct this hypothetical as a situation where two people are married… only that they're in a relationship. Maybe it matters, maybe not, but I just wanted to be clear.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I'd have to ask why the individual is looking at the material. Is it because there is a particular fantasy or fettish need that isn't being met? Are they looking for the sexual excitement of the single life without breaking (at least in their minds) their vows?

    Also I'd have to say the type of porn is important. If your spouse is watching gay porn that would be something totally different than watching run of the mill single man on single woman action.

  4. Nicole says:

    Well, I believe that if either person looks are porn, online or another form, and lusts after the pictures of other people than their spouse that they are committing adultery against the other person. They don't physically touch the other person, but in their heart and mind they have committed it.

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