ups and downs

It’s summertime, I’m not taking classes, and my workload is lower than usual. So life should be really easy right now, right?

Alas, for whatever unknown reasons, it’s just *not*. And I don’t mean that I’m miserable — far from it. In fact, I’d say life is going pretty well … I’m looking forward to my fall classes at UTD, my boss has pretty much green-lighted everything I’ve asked for in the last couple of months, and outside of work, things are generally going better than I expected at this time two months ago. (Read into that what you will.)

Still, I’ve got this nagging sense that something’s not quite right. I can’t explain it any better than that, really. Part of it’s probably that I’m *not* taking classes, so I generally feel at something of a loss with how to spend my non-work thinking time. So far this summer, it’s pretty much been in front of the TV watching stuff like “Ed” (one of my favorite TV shows ever, I’d say), “Star Trek: Next Generation” (we’re now halfway through season four!), and other random stuff.

My TMJ has been acting up a lot lately, which normally only happens when I’m under a LOT of stress — in fact, for the last year or so, it’s only happened at the end of a school semester, and didn’t even happen at the end of this most recent spring semester when I finished up my MLS. I’ve had to resort to taking my drugs AND using my night guard, and I still find myself with an aching jaw and migraine-like headaches more days than not lately.

I’ve got a shorter-than-normal temper; the other day, someone hung up on me during a phone conversation, and even though it’s been three days, if I even think about it, I get a little angry again.

I’m tired of it … and it’s my GREAT hope that what I need most is what I’m soon to get: time out of town, away from my office and the exceedingly annoying antics of Mr. X, and an opportunity to see my mom, dad and brother (who I haven’t seen since Christmas) and my MOST favorite aunt and uncle (who I haven’t seen in almost a year). It’d be perfect if I could have all of that without also having to drive (or, probably more accurately, *ride*) 20 hours or so roundtrip, but … Eh. Maybe it won’t be so bad.

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