week 1 is over

I’m much calmer now.

I’ve been to all my new classes, met the professors, seen the syllabi, started the reading.

This semester IS going to be tough… the stats class is going to eliminate a few people, that much is certain, but I’m absolutely sure I won’t be one of those eliminated.

Mostly, though, it’s going to be about two things: time management, and reading. Lots. For example, for next week, I have roughly 500 pages of reading to do.

We had interviews this week at TWU to fill my position. The two candidates I interviewed were exemplary, outstanding, and gave me great hope — and great peace — that I can leave my job there without any fear of my work being undone. They will both be coming back next Friday for a second interview, and I expect my boss will make an offer (to one of them) the following week.

Thursdays my schedule is very light; I have a class in the morning (the one I’m TAing for) but the rest of the day is pretty open. Yesterday, I took some time out to have lunch (while reading, of course), then spent almost all of the afternoon cleaning my desk at home off, installing new gadgets I got for Christmas, copying off the readings I need for next week, and doing some general e-mail/life maintenance. It felt SO GOOD to get some things in order and cleaned up.

We don’t have big plans for the weekend; given my “you need to read this, NOW” stack of stuff, though, I think that’s for the best. Three days off! What a great way to ease into the spring semester. 🙂

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