slow — but steady — progress

My library practicum, which started back in mid-January, has become far less exciting these days. I find my twice-weekly (plus the occasional Sunday) four-hour shifts typically lay before me in a vast nothing-to-do expanse of time to fill. So, I continue doing homework, Ph.D.-related research, etc., and whatever else I can to waste as little time as possible.

That’s why I’m particuarly happy that today will get me within 30 minutes of the 70-hour mark. Tomorrow evening I will be close to 2/3-done with my practicum, with the goal of finishing completely by about April 27. Which sounds like an eternity away.

It still stuns me that I’m paying for three hours of credit for the *privilege* of wasting 120 hours in a single semester attempting to look busy in a reference area where I have the misfortune of only being able to work when there’s already a competent, adequate staff. Yeesh.

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