weekend trip in pictures

I’ve posted the more interesting of the weekend (reunion/Arkansas) pictures I have to my Yahoo photo album, so you can check those out. However, here are my favorites, in chronological order.

Bennett Law Firm headquarters, Tommy Bennett Esq.
Bennett Law Firm headquarters

Daniel at Tommy's law office
Daniel at Tommy’s law office in Conway

My parents' house in Piggott, Ark.
My parents’ house in Piggott, Ark.

Daniel taking a shower at Piggott
Part of the “fun” in going to my parents’ house in Piggott is their improvised shower. My mom loves the old iron tub, so my dad got a suspension kit for a shower curtain. Because it’s so small, the curtain attacks from all sides when you’re in there. Plus, it hangs so low that anyone in the bathroom can easily see your head poking out of the top. I invaded Daniel’s privacy to plug something in inside the bathroom, and when I saw his head peeking out of the top, I just had to snap a picture. He was trying to hide by crouching down, so you don’t get the FULL effect… but certainly, the idea!

George & Liz at the family reunion
Daniel snapped this picture of my brother and me while we were in the yard waiting for everyone to assemble for the official family reunion group picture

Daniel looks impressed, no?
Daniel looks like he was having fun at the reunion, don’t you think? 🙂

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