it never fails…

I fall in love with radio personalities… I mean, incorporate them into my daily life, develop a relationship with them, etc., and then one day, POOF! They’re gone.

I’ve had a growing sense of nausea that it had happened again, and today I listened to the Edge for 30+ minutes without hearing Jagger and the gang. I checked the KDGE Web site and, sure enough, they had been completely wiped off.

I just did a little snooping around online and found this from the Fort Worth Star Telegram:

The Morning Edge With Jagger, Mondo and Dean is history on KDGE/102.1 FM “The Edge.” “The Morning Edge contracts came up for renewal, and we simply couldn’t come to terms on a new agreement moving forward,” Duane Doherty, program director, wrote in an e-mail. The program underwent several changes since its debut, in April 1998, but the constant was host Chris Jagger, who was the longest-running morning DJ on the nearly 17-year-old station. “It’s never about the money, but it’s always about the money,” said Jagger, who also said that his agent and the station each tossed out potential salary figures but that there was little discussion after that. Also out the door are local stand-up comedians Dean Lewis and “Mondo” Mike Vasquez. Doherty said he can’t comment on the station’s plans.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I've been searching all over the internet to see what happened to the Edge. I had listened to the Edge since my college days at UNT over 15 years ago and had been a devout listener ever since (even listened to them online when I lived in Miami for 7 years). It was great hearing an alternative rock radio station that had some class. I agree, after Julie left – it became vulgar, raunchy, and trashy. I stopped listening after Julie disappeared. She went to Mix 102.9, but then disappeared from their morning show. Does anybody know where she went? I miss her. She really knew how to keep the male djs on task and moving forward.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Like many Edge morning listeners I was in shock when the crew seemingly vanished into thin air. I enjoyed their banter although sometimes things got a little too strained between Jagger and (insert the crew member of your choice). Jesus must have known something, bailing early. I had an open mind when Lex & Terry came on but holy crap! I can't stomach these idiots so early in the morning. Didn't they try this market (DFW) before and fail? When the only alternatives are David Lee Roth droning incessantly while stroking his own ego and Kidd Kraddick's geared-for-teens show, what's a morning show listener to do? I got XM radio. I'd highly recommend it. Opie and Anthony should suit any Jagger, Mondo & Dean show fan. And if not? There are tons of alternatives. Free radio? You couldn't PAY ME ENOUGH to listen to Lex and Terry. The end of an era, sadly I too say "so long Edge… it was nice while it lasted.:

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well, i just got the shock of my life this morning. I have been a faithful EDGE listener since it started. I am 43 years old and am not going to put up with this Lex and whatever person. I can't believe they have totally screwed up what I've loved for so long. I could get used to the DJ change, but these two? never. Goodbye KDGE.. it was nice knowing ya.

  4. Anonymous says:

    While I'd agree that things were not the same without Julie, look what's headed our way … Lex and Terry. Now let's talk about WORTHLESS. I'm opting for the ipod in the mornings and encouaging a boycott of the EDGE.

  5. In addition, I linked to you from my blog, The Blanket Corner. Just wanted to give you a heads up.

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