well, it’s time.

For whatever reason, I am a worrier.

I worry about things that I know are going to happen, things over which I have little or no control, situations where my worry accrues to me absolutely no positive effects.

I’ve been increasing degrees of terrified for the last several weeks, and the terror became truly (physically) palpable sometime on Friday.

Classes. Start. Tomorrow.

The fall semester showed I could go to school, continue to sleep, do some work, and manage to blog on a fairly regular basis. I’m cutting way back on the work, will do my best to keep up with the blogging and the sleeping.

I’m excited about my classes — REALLY, I am — but I will feel a lot better when I’ve got three syllabi in my hands and a couple of weeks of classes under my belt.

The recurring theme of my life until May 1 will be democracy. What will your spring be about?

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