well, so much for that.

When things began going south last week, I was disappointed, but almost — *almost* — overwhelmed by my relief.

But, I gave up sugar last week, and week one is absolutely no time to be making life-altering decisions.

Which is why I waited until today — about three days into the clearness that’s settled in post-sugar deprivation — to make the final decision to quit my newest job.

{shrug} Really, it shouldn’t come as any great surprise, except to maybe me and the people I’m working for. It was probably never realistic for me to attain a *fourth* (yes, I said fourth) job. I thought I could make it work, but it turns out what I was told vis-a-vis my work schedule in the interview bears little resemblance to actual expectations.

So anyway. I will continue to work through the end of July, or basically until I hop on the plane to go to England, but that will be it. When I get back, school will have begun and life will be … er. Interesting.

Oh well.

PS: The no-sugar thing is fantastic. It was four or five days of hideousness, but I feel fantastic now!! (And the initial shock caused a dramatic drop in the scale… it always amazes me.) I think Daniel may even be taking tentative steps to come along.

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