We’re back!

After a relatively uneventful day of traveling, we stumbled into the comfort of home yesterday around 3:30 p.m. … hooray! We ended up staying awake and functional nearly until 8:30 last night. In other words, yesterday was essentially a 24-hour day for us. And today, life is back to normal, as long as you overlook the part where Daniel and I were both out of bed by 5:30 a.m. THAT is definitely NOT normal!!

Today I’m just running around doing errands, nothing particularly interesting or exciting. We needed laundry detergent and had completely run out of paper towels. I also went and bought books — so far, totaling less than $150 for two of the three classes, but I don’t know what’s needed for the third. Let’s hope nothing!! HA!

I’m scheduled to meet my TA assignment professor this afternoon and move stuff from my old TA desk to the new one. I’m looking forward to that, for sure.

Last night we went to dinner with Daniel’s parents here in town (we had an unimaginably huge craving for Mexican food!) and they asked us to name our single favorite thing from the trip. After babbling on (both of us) for a good 10 minutes, his dad said, “Did you ever actually answer the question?” 🙂 I still don’t think we did.

I’ll write more about the trip over the coming days, although frankly most of what I want to say, as well as a small sampling of our photos, will probably be saved for a Web site we want to put together. Our dinner mates from the ship are anxious to see our photos, and we both want a better medium (versus Blogger or Yahoo Photos) for adequately sharing the richness and detail of our time in Europe. So that will come later.

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