bad day?

It’s really nice, when you’re having a frustrating day, to have people around you who aren’t.

Today’s not been a bad day for me; actually, I met someone at work today who I had a great time talking to while doing some one-on-one training. Given that I love meeting cool people (and have always felt extremely blessed by the random cool people who float through my world), that was a significant bright spot in my afternoon.

But, one of my friends got a little upset at being left out of something today — and it’s nice that, when I heard about what had happened, I was in the right place to cheer her up and bring some bigger-picture perspective.

I know others don’t get as excited as I do when they meet random cool people — but then, I know most people don’t think of many of the people they meet as being particularly cool. I do tend to get vocally/visibly excited when I meet someone with half a brain … and I do tend to assume the best about people I meet, and hope they don’t give me reason to change my mind.

Still, I really have always felt that I’ve been extremely lucky in this lifetime to have encountered so many intelligent, witty, genuinely good people — including most of you reading this. I don’t take that for granted (ever). So I apologize if I seem easily exciteable or if I’m forever saying, “I met the coolest person today!” I promise, I said it when I met you, too. 🙂

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