Boomer Sooner!

I know it doesn’t necessarily make sense to continue rooting for a college football team so closely associated with an ex-boyfriend, but I can’t help it; I’ve just spent way too many years cheering on Bob Stoops’s OU Sooners to break the habit completely.

Even so, I resisted the urge to spend hundreds of dollars to see the always-fantastic Red River Shootout (the unparalleled OU-Texas game) this year, which happens just two short days from now. After much waffling, though, Scott e-mailed this morning saying he found a 50-yard-line ticket sixteen rows up from the field for the low-low price of $202. I’m now green with envy.

At any rate, for those who feel inclined to follow my football rantings, here’s info from ESPN about this year’s team. Their new running back, Adrian Peterson, is just amazing. It should be another fantastic matchup.


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