Ed, please stop writing me!

OK, ok, just one more Slate treasure for you all on this fine Thursday. I stumbled across a series of letters written by a guy who occasionally writes for Slate, Matt Wall, who chronicles Ed Gillespie’s growing obsession with writing him.

I laughed out loud at several points while reading this, but here’s one of my favorite parts:


Mr. Gillespie, I think we both know what you’re really talking about. This is a cry for help and I urge you to get it. I hope I am not betraying a confidence, but I have been talking with President Bush about your issues, and I’ve asked him to ask you to stop contacting me. This is the 32nd time I’ve received a letter from you or one of your friends (this is not an exaggeration, I can send you a picture), and I would like it to stop before I have to ask for a restraining order.


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