Green Day. Fun!

Alright, alright, I’ve been MIA for a while. Sorry ’bout that. Will catch up today.

Saturday night, Daniel, Paul, Sara and I went to see Green Day at the American Airlines Center. This was very much a Daniel thing, though I was happy to tag along and excited to go to my first concert (of this scale) since I was an undergrad lo those many years ago. Plus, given that my first class of the semester was earlier that day, I was eager to let go of summer with all possible fanfare over the weekend.

The concert was FABULOUS. Seriously, the guys of Green Day certainly know how to put on a show, and definitely played outstandingly well. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I knew more than, oh, *four* Green Day songs out of their massive, 16-years-in-the-making repertoire. But, still, it was fun.

It wasn’t engineered as such, but I ended up being the designated driver (no surprises there) … and my favorite comment of the whole evening was right after we got home, Taco Bell munchies in tow, when Daniel said up walking into the house and seeing Rags, “You’re a DOG.” 🙂

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