happy flippin’ birthday to me.

I’m 30 today.

I’m “celebrating” by (a) working all day (two different jobs — whee!), and (b) going to dinner with my in-laws. Don’t get me wrong, I love them muchly, and Tammy’s birthday is also today, so at least one person who is not my biological parent will always remember my birthday. 🙂 Still, this is not exactly what I had in mind when I thought, futuristically, “I wonder what I’ll be doing when I turn 30?”

Daniel’s in San Antonio (at least, I assume they made it last night) to attend his half-sister Jessica’s wedding tomorrow. He and Lisa left last night moments *before* midnight.

So, whoop-de-doo, I am basically having a crap day.

At least tomorrow some of my friends from school are going to join me for Friday lunchtime margaritas and Mexican food. They’ve been warned not to serenade. We’ll see.

In other news, I’m fairly sure my eyes have gotten worse because I’m having trouble seeing (a decently reliable indicator, for sure) and I’ve had a permanent headache for about two weeks now. So, it’s time to go see the optometrist and watch him or her shake the head in horror at how poorly I can see unaided by corrective lenses. It’s really too bad I’m not a good candidate for lasik; at this point, I think I’d do it.

Now THAT would be a great birthday present.

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