
I have finally bought tickets and requested time off (er, maybe that was the wrong order? haha) to go to Hawaii to visit my FAVORITE aunt & uncle, Fred & Dalis. Um, not respectively. 😉 Anyway … hooray! {happy dance}

Travel dates are Sept. 22-28 (+ wee small hours Sept. 29 for return flight).

Just for good measure, and ’cause I’m so excited I get to see them, let’s have some show-n-tell, eh? 🙂

Here’s Fred, at his “wedding” (code word for “officer ceremony thingy”)

And here’s Dalis & me at one of our past Gilbert Family Reunions.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I for one, am thrilled to be the hostess for your first (and certainly not last!) trip to the islands! You of course will be given the "visiting princess" suite, consisting of a (somewhat) comfortable single bed, and access to a shared bath. Your brother (the birthday boy) will be housed TBA. All others you bring as an "entourage" will be sharing the floor! LOL
    Aloha my darling!! Great BLOG

  2. Well, it's true, my parents *are* awesome. 🙂

    I can be a real pain in the tuckus, though, especially when traveling. Thank goodness I've got a couple of months to prepare myself. 😉

  3. Anonymous says:

    Aww, your parents are awesome. I'm sure they would love for some of us to crash the bash, especially since there wouldn't be any chance for me to bring up any "dam" humor:o)


  4. I'm never one to exclude others from my adventures. However, on this trip, I doubt tagging along will be all *that* appealing when you also take into account the fact that my parents are going to be there for at least half of my stay.

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