Hmmm. I think I need to move!

Nomadic, drifting soul that I appear to be, and given that I’ve been in my apartment now for … golly, nearly five months! … I’m thinking about moving at the end of my lease. Of course, this once again falls during finals — the end of November. I know what you’re all thinking, and you’re absolutely right (see previous post): I’m insane. Perhaps. Well, probably. Still, it just sounds like the right choice.

I have until the end of September to make up my mind fully. Assuming nothing dramatic changes in the next couple of weeks, the notice letter will be en route.

Why the change, you ask? Well. Ahem. It just sounds *really* nice not to be 45 minutes north of all the fun I enjoy closer to Dallas. Don’t get me wrong, I love my apartment and adore the fact that I can come home for lunch — and I do, usually a couple of times a week. I’d just like it a whole lot better if it were closer to … oh, say, Plano?

So. Let the moving preparations begin … again! lol

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