I’m amazed.

By any measure, my participation in and enthusiasm for the two classes I took this summer was lackluster. Approaching nonexistant. I got less-than-stellar participation scores (a 70% in one of the classes), but I would self-assess by saying even those marks were generous.

And yet, my friends, I got A’s in both of my classes. Maybe not high A’s, but dammit, they were A’s all the same.

I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining here — really, I’ll take an A any day — but don’t you think, um, one should have to exert one’s self to get the highest possible grade?

I’m really not ungrateful. I do, however, know myself, and if “they” (the professors, the program, the school, etc.) keep rewarding my laziness, when will I ever have the motivation to be anything else?

But really. I’m glad. Amazed, but happy.

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