Change continues to permeate daily life.

I recently wrote about all of the crazy changes (almost all good) happening to those around me. That was not quite a week ago, and the insanely huge life changes continue to filter in daily — just today, I got three huge pieces of life-altering news.

First was the news from an old friend from high school, Kim (in whose wedding I did my first tour as maid of honor), who wrote to tell me that, more than five years after they got married, she and her husband now know to be expecting a girl next January. As her husband, Matt, brought twin boys into their marriage, I’m quite sure Kim’s looking forward to having another girl around!

Second was the not-so-good news from my dear friend AnnaLisa, back in DC, that she and her boyfriend have split up and cancelled their wedding previously slated for next Labor Day weekend. I doubt I have to tell you that this is a MAJOR BUMMER, and her short e-mail to an unknown group of us (all BCC’d) gave little detail (not that I’d share it here, anyway). I mention this only because I’m worried about her, so I wrote a lengthy attempt at sage words of wisdom and inspiration via e-mail, and arranged to have (shh! don’t tell!) some lovely roses delivered to her tomorrow, thanks to the fabulous people at (I can speak from repeated experience that their roses are probably the best in this world when it comes to delivered flora).

The final Earth-shattering piece of news came from Edward, who called tonight to tell me that he’s moving to — are you ready for this? — Boise. Idaho. BOISE! For those who don’t know Edward, he currently lives in College Station, Texas, and manages the Hastings there. He and I go back to Fayetteville, Ark., and my days at grad school at the glorious University of Arkansas (GO HOGS! Beat Texas!). We were friends and neighbors for quite a while, but have grown apart somewhat as geographic distance and other circumstances have rendered their inevitable impact on our friendship.

Still. Boise?!

As for me, I’m working on trusting something that’s challenging my hard-won cynicism, enjoying the endless fascination my political science class is bringing me (who knew Woodrow was such a cooky ol’ guy?), and getting ready for the high-school-football-inspired road trip to end all road trips! Nothing Earth shattering from me yet. Just amazed that 2004 continues to be such a surprising, challenging and courage-filled year.

But seriously. Boise?!

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1 Comment

  1. Gee. That's how I felt about Fayetteville ARKANSAS!

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