good news, bad news

When I got back from the reunion and checked my mail, I found the annual letter from Vandy parking letting me know how to procure my bargain-basement (ha!) parking permit for next year.

Good news: Vandy has managed to change my name everywhere! Woot!

Bad news: They spelled it wrong. Everywhere. D’oh!

I’m thrilled to have my family name back, even though the universe seems incapable of spelling it correctly. To Vandy, for the time being, I’m a Morell. I called them this morning, and they assure me they’ll get that fixed post haste. Next, I fully expect the more common misspelling (Norrell) to slip through. Ahhh, well.

My favorite name-change incident came when I went to the bank to change it with them. The woman I talked to totally cracked me up — she said, “you’re changing from a pickle to a nice-smelling perfume from the 80s!” haha

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