
I had a good mental health break yesterday afternoon. I took a really hot bubble bath, two Aleves, and a 90-minute nap, between waiting on the heater serviceman and e-mails back and forth with my boss about the thing we’re showing to the chancellor today.

Then Daniel and I, compelled by the three ads we saw in thirty minutes on TV, adjourned to Cici’s for a gourmet dinner (heh) and Blockbuster for some DVDs. Had we not gone overboard with the pizza (we certainly got our money’s worth), I would have insisted on Cold Stone. And looking back, perhaps I ought to have anyway.

The rest of the night teemed with my own stress-induced mediocrity, and I jolted awake around 4 a.m. from a dream that was so vivid and so disturbing I was completely freaking out. I never did relax enough again to go back to sleep, and I’m still in quasi-freak-out mode this morning.

Were it not Friday, I would probably be looking for a bridge. But, it’s Friday, so it can’t be all bad, right?

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