I’m so proud of my mother.

In the ongoing saga of my mother’s stint on City Council, she let me know last night she has made a decision about running for reelection. Namely, she’s gonna do it.

Apparently (and catch up here if you’re behind), “Pat” has been visiting certain city officials and claiming the ability to win in a head-to-head contest with my mother without having to do any work. In other words, Pat believes it’s possible to beat my mom without doing any campaigning or expending any effort whatsoever. Word of this got back to my mom, and you can imagine (if you know the woman at all) that she was MOST OFFENDED by this suggestion. (Heck, even if you DON’T know my mom and her stubborn nature, you might could guess she’d be offended by the suggestion she’s beatable simply because someone who’s held city office before wants to run against her.)

So she’s going to fight. She doesn’t want people to think she’s just handing over her seat without a fight, and she resents the implication that her seat is so easily nabbed.

I didn’t think she’d decide this way, but I am SO PROUD of her for deciding to stick it out. My dad told her that, if she’s going to run in a contested race, she needs to be prepared for the possibility that she could lose. My response to that is this: If she does lose, she can console herself by spending a guilt-free month in Hawaii enjoying their townhouse there. And she can take solace in knowing she didn’t give up without a fight, and stood up to the attempt to intimidate her out of the race.

And if she wins? She gets the satisfaction of proving Pat wrong.

As I see it, it’s a win-win situation. She can’t lose, even if she doesn’t end with the most votes.

So everyone together now: HOORAY FOR MOM! 🙂

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